Live Oak Business Services


Word Processing  
Large and multiple document jobs our specialty: Contracts, Pleadings, Reports, Presentations, Sales Documents, Briefs, Letters, Manuals, Brochures, Proposals, Marketing Documents, Resumes, Quotes  

Tape Transcription
Mini-cassette, regular cassette, CD, or digital format.  Quick turn time

Social Media creation and maintenance
E-mail blasts
Mailings, physical and electronic
Database searches

Database Creation and Maintenance
Excel, Microsoft Access

Internet Research
Contact search
Mailing list creation and maintenance
Form 990 and Proxy Statement research and data collection

Project Support
Invitation creation and distribution
Registration and response tracking
Progress tracking
Data tabulations
Creation and data collection/tabulation on small surveys
Data entry
Data review

Let us be your virtual right hand, taking care of the details, so you can take care of your business.

 Live Oak - Strength, Growth, Endurance


Website Builder